Why it's Great to be a Window Cleaner
Like I've said before, window cleaners get the best views when they are on their ladder. Here is a shot of the Fox River that I took while working in Wisconsin. While many people were stuck in the office, I was looking at the river and remembering my growing up years. Coming from Minnesota there were many rivers that I fished, swam, and just had fun in. What a great day, and it was cold too, just like Minnesota.
You don't need to be from Wisconsin to have me clean your windows and gutters. I'm actually closer to the North Shore of Chicago and most days you will find me in villages such as Glencoe, Winnetka, Wilmette, Northbrook, Libertyville, and more.
If you have a great view that you would like me to enjoy please call me at Paul's Window Cleaning, 224-572-1783, or just contact me through my website. You know how time flies, let's get this done before winter sets in again.